Merchant (1)

[Starting Modification]



Raith let out an unexpected and sudden scream as a deep, intense pain radiated throughout his bones. The sharp and burning pain shot through his bones.

The sensation felt like it was emanating from the very core of his body and spreading outwards.

As the modification continued, the pain intensified and became more unbearable, causing him to writhe and scream in agony. His muscles began to undergo spasms, adding to the discomfort.

Raith began to feel dizzy or lightheaded due to the overwhelming pain. He started to sweat profusely as he curled on the ceramic tile.

As the pain continued it became so intense that Raith's eyeballs rolled up and sank into his lead, his heartbeat began to get slower, and he began to gasp having a hard time breathing, he continued in that state for ten more minutes before saliva began to stream down his opened mouth.