Class Change (3)

His mistake was taking his eyes off the Ogre for a moment–


The strike came from the side and it smashed him into the wall of the throne room, his arms were seriously grazed by the wall and blood streamed down.

He held the sword regardless and stood back up.

'How odd, is it because I might die... I seem to be trying hard.'

Raith held the sword tightly with his bloody hand, the blood that streamed down his hand sank into the black ring he was given by Volmak and the rest of the rest ran down the sword.

[Due to title effect 'I am Suicidal']

[All your stats will rise by 50%]

Raith felt a new surge of strength as he saw the message. He could also feel his vigor which was already drifting away.

He stood up holding his sword tight as the Ogre looked at him with irritation... "Why do I keep spending my precious time on a maggot like you."