Big Level Up

Raith's vision was blurry as he opened his eyes to the white but extravagant ceiling of the hospital centered with a simple and sparkling chandelier.

His head felt very light and he felt very good in general. As if he was just being born again.

"Hunter Raven!"


Both Mok Jae-Hwa and Min-ho who were present at that time came running to him as they saw that he tried to raise his head. Whatever life support he was placed on had been removed and he was free to move as he will without being restricted.

"Hyungnim!!" Min-ho shouted once again as he jumped a hug on Raith, hugging him tightly.

At first, Raith tried to condone it because he was ceaselessly sobbing.

"Min-ho... that's enough." He spoke first with a low tone.

"No, no, no...hyungnim you were out cold for one month. I have missed you so much! Hyungnimmmmmmm"