The Visit (2)

"w-w-w-w-w-w-whhaa—tttttt? The legendary Chairman of the Korean Hunters Association is on my doorstep?!!" Min-ho screamed.

"Can I come in, Mr. Baek Min-ho?"

"Haaaa! Yessir!!" Min-ho saluted with stiffness and stepped to one side to allow the chairman to enter.

His house had become a place for important figures to visit ever since he started living with Raith.

The Chairman walked in gently and sat on the couch adjacent to the one Raith was on, he lay lackadaisically on the couch and pricked his nose with his finger.

Quite comfortable for one who just almost destroyed an entire city.

The chairman observed him for a few seconds.

'...I don't even need to look much, by his sheer presence I feel pressurized... perhaps I can take a look at his overall strength with my Keen sight."

The chairman's left eye began to let out a subtle blue glow.

[Someone is trying to take a peek into your strength]