Happy Moments

"Hey, babe..."

"I missed you." Jae-Hwa looked at her with sparkles in his eyes.

"I hear you have been touring all around the world as a model of some sort." He smiled to her as she wrapped her hands around his neck and he held her waist, pulling her closer. 

She squinted her eyes in a cheesy way as she replied to him, "I mean... it's not that I can just refuse them. It is also to produce the image of the guild. I mean, they wonder why I can have the skin of a dead man and still be more beautiful than Miss America."

"Even I wonder that...even more beautiful than Miss World."

"Don't push it, honey." She said with a chuckle, averting her gaze for a while, and then looked back at him three seconds later. She smiled as both their eyes stayed on each other for the next few minutes.

"Damn, I've missed this so much." She said, slowly shifting her eyes to his lips. Her facial expression slowly morphed into a relaxed and shy one.