Ba'al Is Foul But Wise

"You are being too rude! I just asked what the fuck you mean by using my life essence? Don't tell me I just shortened my long life because I named you?! And what is it about the talk of virgin virgin virgin"

"Huh?! Virgin?! Uh?!! Are you seriously asking me that when you are the one who masturbates in your closet watching lewd stuff?!!"

"What?! Why are you lying?" Raith raised his voice in defense.

"Me? Why will I lie? I see you every time, you dump me in your inventory but I see you every time and I know that darn helmet guy sees you too."

Raith looked at the ring in his hand.

"Wow, I guess even a catastrophe rank hunter gets horny," Dong-Hyun mumbled.

"Hunter Raven should think about getting a girlfriend."

Raith shamefully turned back, "It was once... I was just curious because they said it releases stress..." He tried to defend his image but it was to no avail.