A Monster In Sheep's Clothing

Without any further delay, the first red orc lunged at Raith with a roar, swinging its crude club. Raith ducked, narrowly avoiding the heavy blow, and retaliated with a quick jab to the orc's gut.

The orc grunted, but his thick muscles absorbed the impact, and he swung his club again, aiming for Raith's head– simultaneously the other one charged in, cornering Raith, it quickly became a situation where Raith either had to step back to avoid the one coming and in that sense falling into the range of the club that was coming over his head or, step out of the range and therefore fall into the wide grasp of the red irc charging him.

It was a tough spot to be in, which was why his instantaneous decision was amazing! His reaction was as though all these were within his calculation.
