To Extract The Darkness Of A Wyvern's Soul

Raith stood still after he had watched the sad back of Mok Jae-Hwa enter the portal that appeared as they defeated the gate boss.

He turned to the corpse of wyverns that were piled up by his soldiers after they had been defeated.

Having no doubt that they will respond, he called.

"Heed my voice, I have given you a second chance to live... rise."

Like a fog, the darkness spread around the pile of bodies and began to swirl around, screeching sound of numerous wyverns shot out into the crimson sky as they heeded Raith's summon and began to come out of their bodies, in solid dark forms, red cracks as segments of their skins all over their body and smoky red eyes.

They all bowed after coming out.

Raith looked down at the number of summoned soldiers.

[80 Dark wyverns]

[Numbers of death soldiers: 279/400]