A Fragment Of Truth

'It's been a while since Kortopi has left, do I have to–

Raith's speech paused as he suddenly felt a familiar yet surging energy.

It was the same darkness he was familiar with but for some reason, running amok in Kortopi who walked towards him with the ant's head in his hands. He was battered with all sorts of clawed marks but that slowly healed as he approached Raith.

Reaching Raith's front, he knelt on one leg and placed the head at his feet with a proud appearance.

Raith looked down at the message that appeared before him.

[Death soldier 'Kortopi' has reached rank level limit]

[Death soldier 'Kortopi' is due for upgrade]

'Just how much did you die for you to level up so much?' Raith looked at the humanoid golem with slant and sleek eyes gazing at him with pride and expectation. Like he wanted Raith to do the thing.

[Will you allow an upgrade?]