Apocalypse Of Therut (5)


The air shattered with a boom impact as Hallan's fist sent Alexander flying back.

The man looked at his smoking fist and frowned.

With the body of a demon, Hallan had now reached a realm that it was impossible for the human body to attain. His physical capabilities were at a stage were no human can bear, except he wanted to hold back intentionally. That blow was intended to kill Emperor Alexander once and for all.

'Tch, am I subconsciously soft on him because of my relationship with him'

Having hardened himself for this moment, Hallan Lamar expressed a bit of disappointment in himself. Of all his students, Alexander truly was different– even though he had said he wanted to keep him alive so he would see the truth, he wished to kill the young Emperor because he was a weakness. And he hated weaknesses.