Apocalypse Of Therut (16)

"What is that?"

Amber's eyes shook with despair as she saw the massive figure and the destruction it caused. They were standing at the end of all that destruction, if the archon had been a meter longer then they too would have been caught in all these rumbles.

All of them were dazed, they stood bewildered, even the elves that just joined Draear, the elves from Faleron who unlike the Driamwen elves show kindness to humanity. If Draear was considered a proud elf and just like his people too.

Then this guy Corian, with white hair and sky blue eyes was the complete opposite of that, his gaze was gentle and serene, showing sincere sympathy for the surrounding and the lives lost, while Draear kept on his rigid and agitated face, especially since Corian was in this place.

"I can't contact anyone."