Hopping Hallan

Raith squinted his eyes, he only suspected it but in actuality didn't believe it.

"Then what does that mean? How was Hallan Lamar able to name a monster when he is not a ruler."

"That is because he is a fake ruler"

"A fake ruler? Is that even a thing?"

"Yes. I don't know much about the rulers but because of my hunger for knowledge, I have found out that it is possible for one to temporarily have the power of a ruler."

"How?" Raith cocked his head in curiosity.

If this was a true thing then he must know it by all means, because he is a ruler– anything can happen.

"Their flesh."

"Sorry, what now?"

"I sew the flesh of the ruler of pride into his the body I gave him."

Raith's moth dropped at the answer Balam gave him, he thought of many ways it could be done. But sewing the flesh of a ruler into someone would give them the power of the ruler?

"And so will the ruler lose his powers?"