Betrayal (2)

"We have deployed our heroes to all areas, and I can confidently assure you that the safety of civilians is now guaranteed," Amber Rose reported.

"Hm, good work, human!" Lord Balam acknowledged with his arms folded, his gaze seemingly distant.

Though Amber Rose found Balam's demeanor irritating, she suppressed her feelings, fully aware that she was dealing with a powerful demon. Observing this, Absalom decided to intervene.

"Lord Balam, is there something specific that concerns you?" Absalom inquired.

The carefully chosen words were meant to prompt Balam to indirectly address why he seemed disinterested in Amber Rose's important report.

Balam squinted his eyes, replying, "They have all awakened and are currently marching toward this place."

Absalom raised his head and followed Balam's gaze, narrowing his eyes to peer into the far distance, a vision exclusive to them. He gasped, nearly staggering.