The Mad Angel (2)

Cor-Ellion's power granted him the ability to be able to mask his attack in space.

This meant that his attacks were directly going at the target but they can not be seen or felt because there are in the fabric of space that weaves out the visible space, otherwise known as subspace. Not only can Cor-Ellion's attack travel through sub space, he can also utilize the ability for himself causing himself to walk through space however he deems fit.

It was like the concept of flash step that is used by martial masters who have transcended the Epiphany of distance.

Raith's slowly stood up, readying himself to go all out against his foe.

'I will like to end this quickly and regroup with the others'

The thing was... Raith was too cocky.


One angel held a blazing sword while the other was with a staff adorned with radiant crystals, a conduit for the vast celestial energies that coursed through him.