Infinite Blood Curse

"Things will be different from this point," Absalom said to the angel, loosening his grip on the sword.

As the sword fell, it folded into a ball of blood and floated towards Absalom's chest.

The angel cocked his head left and right, "You couldn't reach me with your sword, so you want to try another attack pattern. I see I see, I do encourage people to think innovative so that there is a good one."

Not minding him, Absalom began to move his hands in intricate patterns, manipulating the blood in front of him. The ball stretched into dark helixes of crimson energy, swirling around him like malevolent snakes.

"Hmmm..." the angel moaned as he could feel a difference in the energy that Absalom was emitting, he was at first skeptical but he suddenly closed his eyes and dashed at Absalom, with his hand raised, aiming to slice off Absalom's hands. But instead, his sword clashed with Absalom's blood helixes.