Meeting With The Leaders

Raith and Mok Jae-Hwa rushed to where the explosion and happened—the place was swamped, people had formed clusters around whatever was going on. But Raith and Jae-Hwa managed to push through and finally got in front.

And there the boy was, his black hair was floating and he was bathed in a purple aura mixed with lightning sparks that streaked across his whole body.

"Hero Raith"

"It is Hero Raith"

"Everything will be fine our hero is here"

"Please save him"

People began to mutter. The boy's mother finally fell at Raith's feet.

"Please, sir. Save my son. He had been complaining of being weak three days ago and all of a sudden his temperature started rising today, this happened, it was as if he exploded but when I came to check on him. He was like this." The woman explained with tears in her eyes.

Raith walked closer to the boy who was curling on the ground, the sparks that ran through his body were causing him to suffer.