To Belittle One...

Amidst the clouds of Whitman's mind, he exuded an extremely calm composure that drew one in like the beauty of a calm sea on silent nights.

Since he had a troublesome ability that only worked with the state of his mind, Whitman learned to control himself through breathing techniques.

Breathing practices are very effective in keeping a calm state of mind—one's thoughts are sank into the wave of stillness and the entire mind is brought in one accord with the body. Hence, sharpening the senses beyond normal.

Wham! Whoosh! Pow! Pow! Pow!

Whitman's movement was sleek and smooth, he didn't waste too much footwork and slipped past the man's spear by a hair's breadth every moment it lunged at him.

The man widened his eyes and twirled the spear of his shoulders switching to his right hand.


He shot forward like an arrow, destroying the ground he was standing on.
