
A lot of things that happened in Raith's fight with Cor-Ellion he had forgotten.

The pain and humiliation, however stuck to his head. If there was anything Raith was able to realize it was the fact that he would soon begin to meet foes that transcend the concept of death.

In essence, it would not matter to them if he can rise from the dead, just like how Cor-Ellion dealt with him and binded him to eternal damnation without having to kill him. He understood that at some point he would need to get over himself.

And that is why the next attribute he has been looking to explore is the failure one.

The dissatisfaction failure brings.

It looked useless. It still does but Raith was being optimistic here. Well, that was before he unlocked this new attribute creation.

'I might not need anything again. This might be the final piece of the puzzle I have been searching for'