
Mok Jun-Seo was talking but suddenly stopped talking. The transition however was so abrupt that Raith caught it instantly. His brow furrowed as he looked at Mok Jun-Seo, not a second later...

...everything began to vibrate so much that snow was almost dancing in fear of the tremor. It became even worse and it was hard to maintain balance.

Just when Raith was about to stumble a step away from equilibrium. He returned.

From his perception. Mok Jun-Seo had just finished shouting:

"I believe you!"

'I have seen this before'

Raith frowned, sure that this was the second time he was hearing Mok Jun-Seo shout but unsure of what had just happened now. Mok Jun-Seo however, did not seem like he caught anything unusual.

Raith thought about asking but decided not to. It was after then that he noticed the expression on Mok Jun-Seo was familiar.