
In two hours, Raith and his army had laid waste to two times more monsters than a party of B ranks would in eight hours. 

A party of A ranks, depending on the gate they're raiding but if it's a B rank gate, the number of monsters carcasses that would be wasted on the ground would stretch into a hundred, perhaps barely. If it was an A-rank gate, things would be harder, but they still would have done close to fifty. 

For Raith's soldiers, hundreds of Frost Centipedes were laying dead on the ground. 

It was not a superstition, Raith had a total of three hundred soldiers including the aerial squad, the wyverns. 

Their firepower made things so much easier. It was the best match-up for the cold attribute of the centipedes. They danced to the tune of ferry fire each time. 

Even Mok Jun-Seo was useless. He didn't need to do anything, his help wasn't needed. For once in his entire life he felt useless on a battlefield.