Ice Palace (2)

The entire door trembled. From the point of contact, large cracks ran through both doors. 

Raith's fist had caused a webbed crack on the lower part of the door and caused the door to lose its rigidity. 

One more punch and it would be shattered to bits. 

"What the hell!"

After trying to hold the biting pain for a few minutes, Raith cried out, holding his wrist and rigorously shaking the hand he had used to punch the door. 

The large crack on the door seemed impressive but he had thought his punch was going to break a hole into it. Or even cause the door to shatter at once. 

His fist was smeared with blood that came together to crystallize on the edge of each finger. It almost looked like he was wearing red crystal knuckles. 

The pain did subside a little and he had to give the crystals a little pull before they fell on the floor. They were much smaller than the one before.