
A frown creased on Raith's face.

"What are you doing?"

"Aha! Raith! Aye! I got carried away for a moment."

"That was pure bloodlust Absalom"

"Come on, I said I got carried away. I never expected that a measly human would be able to pull one on me like that."

Raith's eyes glimmered with a subtle red aura on his red pupils alone.

"That measly human is my brother, my elder brother."

Absalom's eyes widened, he looked at Curtis and looked back at Raith. It finally made sense why Curtis looked so familiar yet so unfamiliar.

Both their hairs were pitch black. Except that a few strands of Raith's hair were white. Which was odd because those weren't there the last time he saw Raith.

"I had no idea he was your brother. I'm so sorry" Absalom apologized with s grin. He was trying to make the atmosphere light but it was all futile because Raith's creased brows wouldn't relax.