The New

Come morning, Raith sat on the large branches of the giant tree. Each branch seemed to be on an endless stride to the sky, they enveloped each other and at the end of each one of them, several other branches sprawled out with whitish-blue leaves around them.

Spending the night in the embrace of the dryad was warm, contrary to what Raith thought it would be. It was comforting. He had a lot of things on his mind and had the entire night to sort the thoughts in his mind here and there.

The most important thing that bugged his mind was the issue regarding Felfhiem. Deep inside him, Raith knew Absalom was right.

He had become distracted.

Carried away by several things, activities. It wasn't like he was enjoying it all and didn't want to go save Volmak. He owed Volmak his life, that man is suffering right now because he chose to protect him.

Raith felt hurt that Absalom spoke like he didn't care at all.