Growth (1)

It was no debatable fact that Raith was stronger than he was a few months ago. He just kept growing and growing, although his match with the dragon looked like a losing match as he was the one who ended up being thrown down no matter how many times he rose.

Slyvia's armor was glittering with a heavenly aura, each movement of hers seemed as though they were piercing the air. The truth was that it was quite amazing that Raith was managing to keep up with her this far.


As Raith took off from the floor again, laying asunder the pile of snow beneath his feet, he shot into the air like a launched rocket and collided with Slyvia before she could lunge her spear at him.

With a grappling grip on her waist, he flew away with her at a tremendous speed. From below the two of them could be seen heading towards the sky, penetrating in and out of clouds.

Slyvia tried hard to remove Raith's tight grip on her waist while calling him: