Celestial Code Strikes Again

Raith reappeared a few minutes later.

"Where are they?"

Balam was standing on the spot he was when Raith disappeared before.

"The guest? He went into the city."

Balam responds rigidly, with respect and honor boldly written in the way he composed himself to Raith.

"Let's go to them."

"Yes, my lord."

As Balam and Raith walked into the city.

"That is right, you were talking about something to report."

"Yes, my lord. I met a ruler."

Raith stopped. He spent a few seconds shocked and looked at Balam.

"You mean right here on earth?"


Balam nodded.

"He is one of the unranked hunters and from what I see, he is a ruler of sloth."

"Wow... and you met him at the conference?"

"Yes, my lord."