The End Of The Beginning

" feels..."

Beelzebub squeezed his fists, relaxed them, and squeezed again. He stretched his hand and retracted, bent down and up. Made a few jumps, walked, jog on a spot.

"Ah! It is working!! It is perfectly working!! I owe you a lot!"

Beelzebub resounded with joy evident in his tone as he held Raith's shoulders and shook him rigorously.

"Stop! Stop!! stop!!!"

Beelzebub took his hand off Raith and quickly apologized.

"My bad, I was overtaken by the joy of being alive again."

"Make sure you try your best not to touch me. I can kill off the body just with a snap of my finger."

Raith lifted his hand in demonstration which allowed Beelzebub to quiet down.

"Although that was not part of the bargain..."

"How else was I to make sure that you wouldn't betray me or you were not lying to me."

Beelzebub sighed. "You are a thorough man."

"Ah! Is that you?!" Bastien exclaimed as he opened his eyes.