
Raith was thrown into deep thoughts. Before now, his convictions stood strong as, thoughts like he was ready to die if it would sever his bond with the abyss and make it suffer for deceiving it, he didn't care what happened to him as long as the abyss didn't get what it wanted to permeate his mind.

But now that it came to it, fear gripped his mind like a fearsome terror that had been subtly eating away his brain. He shook and stepped back absent-mindedly.

Luckily for him, Fel here understood the intense fear that came with losing that bond. Both he and Raith and every one the abyss has always used has that same story. Hopeless in the world, rejected and ostracized by society, scorned and deemed useless by the entire world, almost to the extent that it creates an anguish in them, one so strong they wouldn't mind covering the world in a sea of blood.