
For a first-time experience. It wasn't such a bad thing, except for the inconveniences of their boobs rubbing against his back and how tingly their touch can be sometimes.

Raith had to admit that he enjoyed the bath. It was the first time he had taken a bath in days. His hair was worse, he had not washed the damn thing in months, maybe years in fact and they were already too rough and tangled.

However, the young ladies washed his hair and every other area of his body. The delicate areas were taken care of by Hana and Maria... Raith most especially hated the way they teased him.

"Oh, master. You are quite big down here."

From a tree spirit. How did things come to this?

In cases like this Raith would just stay silent, void of answers. To be honest, he liked that he was being bathed but it came with too many inconveniences. And he thought to himself that this was going to be the last time.