The Death Call

It's been approximately seven hours since Raith entered the gate. Ruan Zhaohui had been standing on that spot since she entered.

"Mo…ther…" Hesitantly Gilly pronounced yet again.

It hadn't done anything before and she sort of knew it wouldn't still do a thing. When Ruan Zhaohui decides to do something, no one can stop her. And in everything she does, she always manages to outdo people, even when they are giving better shot at doing the same thing.

She was a woman of Valor, the only one that could have pulled the hunters together after Li Mingwu's harsh passing. Gilly looked at her with sparkling eyes.

Her eyes gathered water, but shone with so much respect for the woman in front of her.

She resumed her pose behind her. Having long decided:

'If mother is not going to move. Then I won't'

She had managed to stand alongside Ruan Zhaohui for close to seven hours with such steel conviction.

Unlike someone who was sleeping.