Terror Of The Depth

Raith eyes widened with shock as the visage of the monster sprawled before his eyes. While he was jubilant that he was indeed right, he didn't have the time to celebrate in it.

The monster's third tentacle squirmed around, suspiciously as if inspecting something. There was no eyes on the monster's body, just its barbaric sets of sharp fangs, set unevenly in its mouth.

Raith slowy began to step back. The best call of action in this situation was to give himself and "this thing" space. He needed it the most, in order to access the situation he was in. Not the kind of call he would have made before.

But Raith had to now respect death and act in accordance, shielding himself from it with every possible action.

In the means of stepping back, a stupid stone suddenly crumbled beneath his feet, disrupting the perfect silence. The third tentacle turned to his direction.