
Silence reigned for a few minutes. Raith did not say anything to what the asura had just spilled. Then after another few minutes, he finally spoke.

"That's nonsense, that's just absolute nonsense. Jumping is not the issue. You want me to jump into a darkness where I have no idea what the hell is there."

Thard - Harl cracked his neck, tilting his head left then right.

Raith didn't mind intimidating gesture. Raith was at this juncture where he felt,

'Let him just do whatever he wants. I don't even care any more. If he will kill me, he could as well just do it anyway. There's no way I will jump into that thing'

He frowned looking at the deep darkness. He couldn't still see it, his sight adapted well with darkness but he couldn't tell how deep the ditch he was hanging towards was.