Dark Borne

Grimly, Raith rose to meet the challenge.

"I can't give in now, can I?" He said to the monster, not caring if it actually understood him.

"If you will be giving me such an arduous task. It only makes sense that I match the energy right." He cracked his neck bone and other joints around his body.

"I thought of using [force] that way you probably wouldn't even be able to land an attack on me. But nah, I want to become stronger, so I want to do this without all those extras."

A colorless aura seeped out of his body, immediately, a red light appeared and slowly became red flames becoming black as they consumed every injury on his body and disappeared.

Raith's body was as good as new. Although there were tears in his clothes, his skin was as white as when he had walked into the place. Raith glanced up, hoping that Thard - Harl had not noticed.