Othorman Of The Soulless

Raith jumped back, flustered.

There was someone behind him this whole time. He frowned as he beheld the visage of the dark-skinned man with a red scarf that covered all of his head and eyes.

Raith's head went backwards, it was difficult to accept that someone like that had been standing behind him the entire time and he didn't see it. The soulless had a tall and athletic build, although he didn't let his aura run amok as Reeves had, he still had a terrifying presence by looks alone.

His red scarf covering his eyes, the tattoos on his dark skin and the appealing smile on his lips, all came together to add a very weary feel about him. At least to Raith.

And there was one more thing Raith could not just miss.

He couldn't sense any at all from the soulless. No kind of energy, not cosmic energy, not magic energy not even aura. Which was a very weird phenomenon.