The Fight

The air hung heavy, charged with pulsating tension between the two of them as they took a moment of rest from each other's terrifying assaults.

Ottoman stood motionless, his blind eyes staring ahead unseen. With each slow breath, his powerful chest swelled, bracing for the next round.

Slowly walking towards him was the valkyrie, her lithe frame exuding lethal grace.

Her fingers tightened around the hilt of her spear, poised to strike in an instant. Her icy gaze fixed on her blind opponent, certain of her impending victory.

In a burst of movement, she sprang forth, her spear slicing ruthlessly through the air.

With uncanny instinct, Ottoman twisted aside, the spearhead barely grazing his shoulder.

As the Valkyrie landed in a crouch, Ottoman's heel crashed down. The ground splintered under the seismic force, cracks spiderwebbing outward.