Important Guests (2)

Othorman shot across, appearing between the two forms thar were fiercely battling each other.

Immediately, the circle-eyed person in robe, shot back, its ruby eyes widened then narrowing.

The other–ninjalike, rolled into the air and landed afar.

Both of them cautiously looked at Othorman without saying a word at first.

Then a tremendous weight fell on the air as the robed person spoke with a thundering voice:

"Human. I advise you. Step out of the way"

His words carried a foreboding heaviness that made even Othormon tremble, fear shrinking his insides at the thought of defying the voice.

Tension strained the air as both party seem to be waiting for Othorman's response.

Othorman straightened his back, released his clenched hand, furling and unfurling it to relax the joint of his fingers.

He bent his head left and right the ease his stiff neck. Then began to untie the blindfold that was over his eyes.