39.Rabid Ratios Part-2

"Akash,is that really you?"She questioned him,gently patting his cheeks.Mark never felt this relieved.Even though his stepmother did not treat him differently,the touch of this lady was more motherly.It felt as if he was solely entitled to it.He spoke nothing and unconsciously hugged her.Tears began to stream from his eyes.

Later,she sat down along with him for a chat.She ordered tea and samosas,which surprised Mark.

"How did you know I like these?"Mark curiously questioned.

"I know a lot more about you."She chuckled.

"Are you a stalker?"

"No.I am your mother."

"What?!"Mark exclaimed,sputtering his tea.

"I am your real mother,Charu Gupta,wife of Vijay Gupta,the Assistant Superintendent of Police."

"And I am your brother,Sai."The man said.

"How can that be possible?My name is Mark and I was in America my whole life."

"Your real name is Akash.Even father knows that."

"But father said my real mother died long ago and I never knew I had a brother."Mark explained.

"He had no other option."Mark's mother spoke up.

"Then why are you guys separated?"

"It was all because of that one person."Mark's mother's voice tone increased. "Your father was a very determined and honest person.He respected his uniform more than his life itself.

It was only due to that unfortunate day,the day he got assigned to a new task.To bring down the international drug lord,who was seeking refuge in India.He was successful in locating his whereabouts and also tracked him but his entire team turned against him.Some of them willfully agreed,whilst others were threatened,Your father being one of them.He was about to make the criminal surrender when they called up and said, "spare our boss and we spare your family."

"Your father was very concerned and he gave up the mission.He reached home,only to find us missing.Everything was messed up as we tried our best to resent,trying to hide you in a safe place,so you would not land into their hands.Your father found you and headed out to find us,only to find out he was transferred to another city."

"Why did he not try to search for you?"

"It is because he was not allowed to and by the time he came back,it was too late.We were already sold to a brothel.He gave up and settled in America,starting from scratch."

"What about you guys? How did you survive?"Mark questioned,with tears gleaming in his eyes.

"I did everything a person at a brothel does,overtaking the previous leader and becoming one.My only concern is freeing everyone from this dreadful quicksand."

"Then,what about you?"He questioned to Sai.

"This is 2018,and genders don't really matter anymore.My condition is equally pathetic but seeing mother's face gives me motivation to face every day with open arms."

"May I know who did this to all of you?"Mark sobbed.

"It was Akihito Makoto,a Japanese drug dealer,internationally known as "The Falcon."

Mark's got goosebumps upon hearing the name.His mother produced the photo out of her purse.Mark was stunned at the photo.

What had Mark seen in the photo?