39.Violent Visions Part-2

Mark took the keys in a tissue paper.The rust from the keys kept on staining his hands.He looked back to take a look at Akio,who had tears in his eyes. "Thank You",He said as he departed.

The accomplices lead him to an old warehouse,the same one in which He met Akio in Japan for the very first time.He opened it with the rusty keys,which were not easy to open.He barged open the the door and saw a familiar figure.The long black hair,the flawless face and the brown eyes that gleamed against the moonlight,it was definitely him.

Mark rushed over to him.He saw the face.It was the same innocent face he had seen back in Chengdu.Mark unconsciously hugged him,bawling on his shoulders.

"Akio,is that you?"Mark questioned,wiping his tears.He tore the tape off Akio's mouth so he could speak.He then proceeded to untie his ropes but Akio grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.Mark hung his head in guilt,trying to avoid any eye contact.Akio pulled him further and touched his lips,before kissing him hardly.Akio started to weep.

"I missed you."Akio sobbed.

"As if I did not."Mark said,finally looking into his eyes.

"Did my brother,Kagami trouble you a lot?"

"No.He just made me hate you beyond my own capacity."

"What did he do?"Akio questioned,furiously.

"It is no use talking about it now."Mark said. "It is better to forget about it."

"Then how would you get justice?"Akio questioned.

"Did you know about that?"

"Yes."Akio replied,hovering his eyes to ground,avoiding any face contact.

"I was sent to China only to trap you but I failed as I fell in love with you.Due to this,my father got me kidnapped and gave my step brother,Kagami my identity."

"Do you want them to get arrested?"Mark questioned.

However,Akio gave no reply whatsoever.

Will Akio get his own father arrested?

Hello everyone.Poppy here.Since you all must have guessed,the story is progressing towards climax.Infact,only one chapter is left to conclude the story.After that,I'll be posting specials.So,make sure not to miss it.