her story...

this story is a unique one,and its mine.your probably wondering who i am am and i will tell you but first let me say what i have to say. ok so I'm 18 and i used to be a nobody,a nerd if i might say.i am the way i am today becuase of what happened to me,and lets just say I've seen and experienced shit a teen should never experience,but anyway my mother died from drugs and my dad abandoned me and my sister shortly after.i was 17 at the time and my sister was only 14,we had been to hell and back,we had been moved from home to home and they weren't all that good and through it all i learned some things.1.be cautious about who you trust.2.protect those you love most,and 3.grow a back bone,and never let anyone push you around.btw my sister's name is Rose Delevinge I Am Violet Delevinge The Nerd Reform,and this is my story.