An act of charity

"You did WHAT?" 

Chen Yi had to move the phone a few inches away from her ear at the loud exclamation.

"Calm down, It was no big deal." Bringing the phone back to her ear, she said with a sigh. 

"It definitely was! How could you say it was not? I had the misfortune of encountering that Shen Yue on a few occasions. And let me tell you, she has one arrogant personality. After what you did, you can't expect that she would come back to you with the contract offer."

Hearing this, Chen Yi chuckled while twirling her fingers. "Oh, she sure will."

"I want to believe you are you so certain?" Gu Chiantao uncertain voice flowed in. 

Chen Yi glanced out from the windshield and smiled at the passing forests. "Well," She laughed. "You don't know my cousin as well as I do."