Familiar restaurant.

"Oh, and what if I do get a placement in some big production?" Chen Yi said what was in Shen Yue's mind. "I assume Manager Shen intel network is not weak. She must already be aware of this whole farce surrounding 'Dawn of Eternal Bloodlust'."

"You have already lost; Zhao Hua is to be selected!"

"The official list is yet to be announced." 

"Aren't you bluffing now?!"

Chen Yi didn't argue, merely stared at Shen Yue in silence. "Chen Ying won't let you stay in the company. Especially after learning that the bogus contract allows me to take in jobs without the company's consent." That meant if she won the role for the Production, Chen Ying would have no means of stopping Chen Yi.

Chen Yi's words hit right at Shen Yue's fears. "What the heck you want?"

"Manager Qin is quite scared of Manager Shen." Chen Yi said. "I wonder if this has anything to do with an unnamed artiste taken away from Qin Chanpu and placed under Manager Shen?"