Marriage Meeting (2)

Twenty minutes passed when she heard someone walk down the steps. The staircase was just outside the door.

She decided to keep staring out the window because she was afraid of meeting his eyes as she began to feel awkward about the atmosphere; this was a marriage meeting for goodness sakes!

She heard a creak of hinges, the door opening, some shuffling, and the door shut after. She resisted glancing at the man as she felt the table move; the chair grounded the floor.

Then silence.

Her heart sped up quickly, pounding through her ears, but she didn't show it. She then lifted her eyes, daring a glance and found a narrowed blue gaze stare right back at her. Her eyes widened, but she promptly composed her expression. Staring at her was Long Jie.

She remembered him from when he was younger, but that was the boy from the past. In front of her now was a young man, an older version of that boy, someone she didn't know.

He had dark auburn hair tousled to the side, spilling over his lashes, and piercing blue eyes. He wore a dark-black suit, and on his left ear was a small silver hoop that hugged his lobe. He was assessing her, just as she was assessing him.

His hair was a stark contrast to his eyes, like ice and fire. He was handsome, very handsome, Song Luli could admit. But there was something about his steadying gaze that told her he wasn't one who let anyone in or cross him in any other regard.

Indeed. Long Jie appeared to be as cold as the rumours say. She only wondered if he lived up to the reputation. His calculating eyes told her to be wary. But she didn't feel like bolting. Instead, she stayed, rooted.

"Hello, Jie," she said coolly without quivering.

His lips curled. But it wasn't genuine; it held intrigue. Perhaps it was because Song Luli addressed him so informally.

"Most people call me, Mr. Long or Young Master," he responded, tonelessly.

Song Luli scoffed. "You are Long Jie, are you not?"

He didn't answer, and she didn't wait for him too.

"We can skip the formalities, so I'll call you what I want to call you," Song Luli continued with a ghost of a smile. She would not bend to his will just because he was the son of Long Huojin, the current CEO of Long Group. She didn't care who he was.

He narrowed his gaze at her. "I understand that our fathers had arranged this meeting," he said bluntly, wanting confirmation.

Song Luli nodded.

"Well, then," he began. "When you return home, tell your father that it was you who rejected the match and then we can go our separate ways," he said with a cruel smile.

Song Luli knitted her brows. "Why would I want to do that?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Long Jie held a blank expression. "You can tell people that it was you who rejected me. I can tell others the same thing. That it was Song Luli, who didn't want to marry me."

Song Luli considered it for a moment. She wasn't forced to be here; her father merely suggested to attend the meeting. Also, she wouldn't feel humiliated that it was she who rejected the arrangement. She could leave, and they could go their separate ways.

But her father's company was at stake, and it meant a lot to him. It meant a lot to her, too. When she was younger, she would run around her father's office and sit on his high chair, pretending she was an executive while he kept himself busy.

"And if I refuse?" she challenged him as he folded her arms, giving him a curious stare. His lips curled in amusement.

Long Jie pulled out his wallet, passing her a blank check. "Write down your price. Anything. You can pay off the debts you owe, and you won't have to get married," he said.

Song Luli curled her fingers into fists under the table. She would take his money and not give anything in return? She didn't like it. It felt like she was stealing or cheating the system, and she wasn't the type to accept free money. Especially how the Long's have a way of collecting debts in one form or another. He may come for her in the future, and she didn't like owing anyone anything.

She returned the check to his side. "Keep your money, you win. I can tell my father that I rejected the proposal. I don't like taking money not earned," she said as she rose from her seat.

Song Luli walked around the table, "I would say it was nice seeing you, Long Jie, but that would be a lie." She then opened the door.

"Wait," Long Jie said, pointing a finger up. Song Luli paused and turned to face him.

It appeared as if he was fighting some internal battle, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking. Even though his expression revealed a bit of conflict, he was still somewhat reserved.

"I have a question," he said.

It piqued her interest. "What is it?" she asked.

Long Jie tipped his chair back with the first two legs of the chair off the ground. It gave her anxiety that he may fall, but he casually hung his arm over the chair, almost daring gravity. "Does marriage mean anything to you?" he asked her curiously.

Song Luli considered it. When she honestly thought about it. No. It didn't mean much to her. Falling in love was trivial and quite exhausting. Why not marry for benefits rather than a mere will?

Also, falling in love terrified her. What if she were to meet someone and fall in love with him? Then later, when he realizes that she wasn't good enough for him, he would divorce or cheat. The thought scares her that someday her lover would wake up one day and not love her anymore.

She knew many men in the Entertainment Industry who cheated on their wives with several mistresses. It hurt her to know that the wife may have been in love.

But if she were to marry Long Jie and he had a mistress, she wouldn't care because she didn't love him.

"No," she answered. "Love is irrelevant in the business world."

Long Jie's lips curled. He then sat properly, rising from his seat. He approached her swiftly, towering her. It hadn't occurred to her just how tall he was.

"Miss Song, I would like you to reconsider the proposal. If you have me, I will be honoured," he said. Song Luli narrowed her eyes, curious as to why he changed his mind. Did she say something he wanted to hear? 

"And you?" she had to ask.

His eyes narrowed, searching for something on her face, something he could not find. "I agree. Love doesn't mean anything in business," said Long Jie.

So he was cynical, she thought. No wonder people call him frigid. But was he truly?

"I will have you," she responded.

Long Jie smiled. "Excellent."