Mr. Long

Long Jie had been coming home late at night, not eating the dinners Song Luli left behind for him. 

She wondered what was up with him. She was frustrated that he wasn't talking to her when she attempted to initiate a conversation. He was blunt, brief, and seemingly hurried.

It felt as if he were a stranger again, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it. She went into the marriage knowing that there was no possibility of love, but she wanted a friend, some partnership so that she didn't feel confined in a house with someone she didn't know. 

But perhaps she had been too hopeful. If Long Jie wasn't going to put in the effort, then why should she? She wasn't someone to wait around for anyone. She wasn't one to allow herself to feel hurt, though she does feel a tinge of pain whenever he ignored her. But still, couldn't he rely on her if something was wrong? 

Song Luli shook her thoughts. She wouldn't dwell on it any longer. She took her car and drove by her old home, picking up her sister. 

Song Meiling entered the car, bright and up-lifted. 

They went on their way to a shopping centre. It was quiet when her sister asked, "Why are you in a terrible mood?" 

Song Luli shifted slightly in the driver's seat. "I'm not," she responded. 

Song Meiling eyed her curiously. "Is it your lover?" she asked Song Luli while fixing up her makeup with a small mirrored pallet.  

Song Luli let out a short laugh. "He isn't my lover," she said. Song Meiling rolled her eyes. She smacked her lips after putting on some lip gloss. "He's your husband," her sister reminded her. 

Song Luli sighed. "Husband," she repeated softly, with underlying self-pity. 

Song Meiling glanced at her, reading Song Luli's expression. She wasn't sure what was going on, and Song Luli always had been reserved. She was someone that kept things to herself and doesn't allow anyone to see her so vulnerable. 

At the shopping centre, they visited many shops, but Song Luli didn't feel comfortable in any of the dresses she tried on. They spent hours, and Song Meiling was feeling exhausted since her sister didn't like anything. 

"Can you pick something?" Song Meiling whined. 

Song Luli glared at her. "Nothing looks good on me," she snapped. 

Song Meiling let out an exaggerated sigh. She then had a sudden idea. "Let's visit your mother-in-law's boutique!" she suggested. 

Song Luli paused. She hadn't thought about it, and she had never visited Long Jie's mother alone. "All right," she said. 

It was a ten-minute drive from the shopping centre. They arrived at a beautiful boutique called Summer-Autumn. It was in the shape of a house, painted white. It looked elegant and inviting. When she walked in, the displays appeared to full of stunning dresses of various kinds.

There were no clerks around, so they began to check out the dresses until a woman with auburn hair had stepped to their side, surprised. 

"Luli?" Xue Guangli called out to her. Song Luli turned to face her. She smiled subtly, giving a short bow, "Hello, mother-in-law." 

Xue Guangli placed two hands on her shoulders, smiling softly. She approached her, giving her a sudden hug. Song Luli widened her eyes. She wasn't much of a hugger or someone that expressed herself through body language, but Long Jie's mother was kind and warm, so she leaned in for it. 

Afterward, her mother-in-law pulled away and hugged Song Meiling, too. "What can I help you with, ladies?" she asked them. 

"We came to buy a dress to wear for your anniversary," Song Luli said. 

Xue Guangli smiled broadly. "Come with me," she said. Xue Guangli then took the two of them to a section for formal dresses. 

"Is there a dress you're looking for specifically?" Xue Guangli asked Song Luli. 

Song Luli shook her head. "I'm not sure. I've been looking all day, but I can't find one that suits me."

Xue Guangli clicked her tongue. "You'll look good in anything," she said as she approached one of the racks. "But, I recommend this dress on you." 

Song Luli widened her eyes. It was a white-silver dress that glittered. It was flashy, but not enough to wash her out. It had a slit, off-shoulder sleeves, and a small train that followed. "Try it," her sister urged her excitedly. 

Song Luli went into the changeroom, changing into the dress. It fit her, hugging the curve of her waist and hips. She stepped onto a platform, showing it to her sister and mother-in-law. 

"It looks incredible," Song Meiling said, complimenting her. 

Song Luli glanced at herself in the mirror. Xue Guangli stepped onto the platform behind her. She tied up her hair, pushing her hair out her face. "You look beautiful," her mother-in-law told her. 

Song Luli smiled. She changed positions, looking at herself from all angles. She flushed, finding herself to be beautiful, for once. She suddenly thought of what Long Jie might think of her when he sees her wearing it. 

Song Luli shook her head. She shouldn't care what he thinks of her in the dress, she thought. Song Luli will wear it for herself, to feel confident about her beauty, to be comfortable in her own skin. She will own it. And if Long Jie were to gape, then she would wield her refined grace, torturing him because of the way he was acting! 

It did not take Song Meiling long to find a dress of their own. She decided to pick out a long black formal dress, which was abnormal since she was the type to wear bright floral printed ones. 

Afterward, Song Luli took Song Meiling home, parting ways. "I'll see you at the ceremony," Song Meiling said to her. "Thank you for coming with me." 

Song Luli smiled. "No worries. I will see you then," she responded. 

She watched Song Meiling enter the house. It was dark, and she saw one of the lights on from the living room. Sitting by the windowsill was the silver-haired man reading a book. 

Song Luli then drove out of the driveway, heading home. 

When she arrived, the lights were off, showing no signs of movement or presence. Song Luli went to her bedroom, putting away the dress carefully in her closet. She slumped on her bed, not expecting to think about Long Jie, she then stood, deciding to go to the kitchen for a snack. She ate some tea cakes in the dark when Long Jie flicked on the lights, stunned to see her. 

Song Luli glanced at him, and they both stared at each other awkwardly. 

"There are some leftovers in the fridge if you want any," Song Luli said, the first thing that popped into mind. 

"I have eaten already," Long Jie said dryly. 

Song Luli gritted her teeth. She held her chin high and said irritably, "Then goodnight to you, Mr. Long." 

Song Luli stormed out of the kitchen, ascending the stairs. She wasn't sure why she was angry. 

Long Jie was left behind with his thoughts. She referred to him as Mr. Long, and he didn't like it. It had always been Long Jie since the beginning. At their marriage meeting, she called him 'Jie' informally. He then questioned why she didn't refer to him as: 'Mr. Long or Young Master' and she said, 'We can skip the formalities. I will call you what I want to call you.' 

And those words captivated him. 

But now, he had to keep his distance. He would encourage her to leave him, or stay away from him, just until he figured out how to eliminate the threat.