I Need Help

There were moments were Song Luli had to work with Han Ru, without Long Jie. But she was grateful for Lan Shufen, who watched after her, never leaving her side. 

Time flew by, and production began for their team. 

Both Han Ru and Long Jie worked at their respective companies in the morning, both leaving Song Luli and Lan Shufen to do anything they pleased on set. 

Long Jie would drop by every day after he finished work, contributing his ideas, supporting Song Luli, while Han Ru visited every so often. 

Song Luli was in the car with Long Jie as they drove back home when she received a phone call. 

It was Su Xiang. 

"Hello?" Song Luli answered. 

"I need your help," Su Xiang said by way of greeting. 

Song Luli stilled. Her cousin never came to her for anything; it was usually the other way around. 

"What's wrong?"

Su Xiang began to sob on the other line. It made Song Luli panic.