Son of the Phoenix

"Can you help me?" Xun Zichen asked the old man.

The man frowned, cruel and sharp. "I didn't think there would be a day when a Xun bowed before my feet," replied Long Yuntian, low and gruff.

Xun Zichen knelt, facing Long Yuntian, the head dragon, directly. "I am desperate," he admitted warily. "I fear that my uncle, Xun Yaozu, will harm my family if he challenges me."

"All this time, you were with the Song family?" Long Yuntian asked. 

Xun Zichen frowned. "Yes."

Long Yuntian barked out a harsh laugh. "The lost son of Xun, the rightful heir of the infamous Flock, hidden within the Song family." He kept laughing. "I should have known; noted that they are known for taking in little lost, misguided souls into their litter. But, the Song family had weaved their way in with the Longs." 

He said it as if it were a bad thing, Xun Zichen thought. 

"Does my grandson know you're here?" Long Yuntian asked sharply.