Kings Rising (2): M

Xun Zichen barged through the entrance of the house, his expression confident yet grim, with a man following shortly behind.

Song Luli sighed in relief, but her eyes focused on the two swords strapped to his back, over his coat.

She lifted her eyes directly at him to ask, "Who's he?"

"He knows where Xiang is," replied Xun Zichen.

Song Luli's eyes widened. "Really?" she began to say with sudden hope. "But how do we know that he's not setting us up for a trap?"

"Well, if it's a trap," Xun Zichen replied as he walked towards her. "I'll kill him." He then paused. "Besides, I want to go get her alone, and I want you two to stay here."   

Song Luli stepped forward. "Why would we let you go alone?"

"Because it's dangerous," Xun Zichen replied. "And unlike you two, I won't be missed."

"Bullshit," snapped Song Luli.

Xun Zichen narrowed his eyes. "I need to find her. If I wait for the others, then something bad will happen to her."