
Bone-tired and aching all around, Xun Zichen sat on the edge of the bed, where Su Xiang finished stitching the wound on his arm, bandaging it gently.

"How does it feel?" she questioned as she caressed his arm.

"It feels fine, but you should really be getting rest. I can't imagine you had any sleep while you were gone."

Su Xiang shot him a tired, playful grin. She shook her head. "I was in and out of sleep," she began to say, circling his neck. "But not because I was scared that I'd be a goner. I was more afraid that you would come for me, and then when you did...It was terrifying."

Xun Zichen didn't say anything. He just listened.

"Zichen. You are always so self-sacrificial, impulsive, and brave. And you always feel like you have to take care of others before yourself, and though I admire you for that, it's just I was so scared when I saw you go up against Xun Yaozu."

Xun Zichen reached out to her, caressing the smooth lines of her jaw.