Chapter Six

When I awoke, Ashleigh was making coffee and talking to Loki. Jason was stroking my hair.

"Good morning sleepy head." He kissed my head.

"I'm not that sleepy, what time is it?"

"Eleven am!'' I heard Ashleigh shout.

"Oh, anesthetic must of kept me asleep for this long." I mumbled.

"Yeah it must still be in your system." Mentioned Jason.

I got up and walked over to the kitchen bench

"Corn flakes for breaky!'' Shouted Ashleigh over her shoulder.

"I fell two stories and the only thing you can be bothered to feed me is corn flakes? What is life?" I laughed.

"Just kidding, we are having pancakes." Laughed Ashleigh.

"Nice save Ash." Whispered Loki to her.

And like always Ashleigh cooking was burnt, but nothing that a bit of maple syrup and icing sugar can't fix. As well has lemon and sugar.

"So, what do we do now?" Asked Loki.

"Let us go see movie!'' Suggested Ashleigh.

"A movie again? Seriously?" I asked.

"Despicable Me 2 just came out in cinemas." Sung Ashleigh.

"You know what, sounds like a great idea." I piped up.

"Cinemas?" Asked Loki.

"Moving pictures." Jason spoke up.

"Like in Harry Potter!" Squealed Ashleigh.

"He doesn't know Harry Potter." I told her.

"HE WHAT!!" Yelled Ashleigh.

"Yeah. He is pretty new to the modern world."

"Well aren't we just going to have to educate him on the world of Harry Potter."

Jason came up from behind me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"So when do we leave for the movies?" Quizzed Ashleigh.

"Who even said that we were going to go?" I asked.

They all put their hands up.

"Well I am obviously out-numbered." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"But it Despicable Me 2." Teased Ashleigh.

"You guys are going to be the death of me," I laughed, "Ten minutes until we leave peeps."


How to describe the movie? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, very interesting. Oh okay it was amazing.

"That was incredible!" Ashleigh hugged her minion toy that she bought.

"And you didn't buy me a minion.'' I pouted.

"Well you didn't ask for one."

"Well use your brains and ask me before you assume anything."

"Well I don't have any brains.'' She argued back.

There was a rather tense pause and Ashleigh and I held our intense stare at each other. Then as usual we burst out laughing.

Loki and Jason looked at each other and sighed in sync.

"What you'll sighing about?" Ashleigh put on her country voice.

"Both of you." Jason mentioned.

"Excuse you, that rude!" Exclaimed Ashleigh.

"It's the truth." Shrugged Jason.

"But harsh!" I pushed him.

"But my mummy always told me too tell the truth." He poked my hip.

I spazed out. I am very ticklish.

"Buddy we are in public!'' I laughed.

"And I should care because?"

"You have a reputation to uphold."

"What reputation?" He asked me.

"Ohhhhhh you just burned yourself." I laughed.

"People are witnessing your flirting." Ashleigh said out loud.

Jason grabbed me around the waist and spun me around as the same time.

"Well sir you definitely move fast." Coughed Ashleigh.

He looked at her, "But I am fast."

Then in public he kissed me.


Jason stopped kissing me and looked at Ashleigh, "Umm there are currently no rooms avaliable in the cinema."

"It's called the bathroom.''

"Why would we use the bathroom?"

"Because it's private."

I broke the weird and strange argument.

"Can we please stop talking about me and Jason running to a bathroom to make-out?"

"Why bub?"

"Because it's not normal and poor Loki is watching like a confused puppy dog." I stated.

"I don't have an opinion in this matter." Loki said rather quietly so that I was the only one who noticed.

''Why don't we go back to my apartment?"

"After fairy floss." Ashleigh pouted.

"Fine we shall get some fairy floss.'' I sighed.

"What is this fairy floss you speak of?" Interrupted Loki.

Ashleigh looked scandalously shocked, "You don't know what fairy floss is?" She started to get teary.

"No I don't''

"Well we shall have to educate you." Ashleigh took Loki's hand and started to run, Loki managed to take my hand as he got dragged and I took Jason's.

We probably looked like a bunch of drunk teenagers. But it was all for the fairy floss and who wouldn't run for fairy floss?


I think that after that we were high on fairy floss. We ran around the candy store like crazy toddlers who had their first taste of chocolate. That was until the owner kicked us out because we were scaring the small children.

"Woah so that's fairy floss,'' Loki sounded amazed, "I like it, we have nothing of the sort like that on Asgard.''

"Asgard?" Asked Jason.

"My home realm.''

Jason turned to me, "Why do you have a lunatic living with you?''

I laughed, "He's not crazy."

"Um he thinks he lived in a fictional realm that doesn't exist.''


"Thats frigin insane Ingrid!"

"We are all insane though."

"But we all don't think we live in a realm that doesn't exist!" He exclaimed.

"He's just a little confused that's all.''

"Right sure."

I turned away from him and grabbed Ashleigh by the arm.

"Lets get back to the apartment."

"APARTMENT!" Screamed Ashleigh.

"Remind me never to get you fairy floss again."


"Well I'm driving I don't think your up for it Ash."

Once in the car Ashleigh and Loki rode in the back, while Jason sat shotgun and I drove. The drive was silent except for Ashleigh randomly saying fairy floss is epicly amazballs.

I got to the car park of the apartment block, and well parked the car. The elevator ride was silent Jason stared at the door and Loki and I held eye contact.

"Ingrid can I have the key?" Asked Ashleigh.

"Fine," I handed her my key.

After like a minute we reached my level, Ashleigh ran to the door and unlocked it.

I was right behind her when I heard a huge bang, Ashleigh screamed. I looked inside the apartment to see a blue tall thing holding a thing.

It disappeared in a swirl of icy blue.

"Holy mother of shit! What was that?!" I shouted.

"Ingrid, fuck what did that thing have?" Asked Ashleigh quietly.

"It looked like a frost giant." Loki stated to no one in particular.

Then Ashleigh collapsed.