Promotions 2

Jimwoo P.O.V.

I'm currently at a TV station to attend a radio show. I'm already in the room to do the broadcast. While waiting for the host. Suddenly the door opened and Seo Eunkwang sunbaenim entered.

I think he's a really great singer, especially when he sings ballads. He also has a cheerful nature in my opinion.

"Anyeongaseo sunbaenim." I said while bowing

"Aye.....Just call hyung. We're only 6 months away from when you debuted. No need to be so polite, Let's have a good time OK." Eunkwang said

"Yes hyung, thank you." I said

"Oh yeah!!! I'll read some of the questions later. Don't take it to heart because it was prepared beforehand. I have no control over it. So I apologize first." Eunkwang said

"It's okay Hyung. I see, It's also the same with some events that I attended." I said

"That's right, I feel like we idols don't have space for our personal lives." Eunkwang said

I nodded and the event started after the PD-nim signaled us. The first half hour started with an introduction and how my promotion was done. I also got a positive response from listeners, because SM rarely debuts soloists, especially male ones.

While playing the song Eunkwang hyung told me. "If you feel uncomfortable with a question you can answer with another question, don't worry too much."

I just smiled at his words, Hyung gave me some advice that sounded funny to me.

PD-nim gives a signal that it will soon be back LIVE with his finger.

After reaching zero, Eunkwang hyung immediately spoke. "Welcome back to the Radi show everyone, we are still with our very great soloist, Jinwoo has sung a song earlier, and it sounds very beautiful doesn't it."

"Thank you hyung, it really means what you say, and thank you to the fans who have supported me." I said

"I know they must be proud of you." Eunkwang said

After that hyung returned to the event. "So now, I'm going to read some of the questions that have been sent from your fans. So are you ready?"

I just nodded.

"One of your fans asked, How do you practice to reach such a high note?" Eunkwang said

"I behave like other trainees in general, maybe because I also often practice in the dorm not only at the training ground, I also get some tips from sunbaenim at SM." I said

"Oh!!! Have you ever been scolded by the person next to you when you were in the dorm?." Eunkwang said

"Hehehe..... Yes hyung, I was often bullied by GG sunbaenim." I said

"Oh!!!! So you're neighbors with GG sunbaenim?." Eunkwang said

"Yes hyung." I said

I'm often complained by noona, But I did that because they were first, once one day I couldn't sleep because they were singing so loudly, I don't mind if it's just one or two people, but here they are all.

"Ok...Ok.....Now your fans are asking you to do Aegyo." Eunkwang said

I who heard that sighed. Aegyo?. Really?. If it was the woman who did it would be great. But this is a man. Ugh!.

"Eunkwang hyung please don't do this. I really don't like agyeo. Hyung please." I said

"Just give your fans what they want, you'll understand the longer you're in the industry, the more you have the more fans want." Eungkwang said while laughing

"UGH!!!!. Alright just this once." I said

After I did it I was so embarrassed. *I WILL NEVER DO AEGYO AGAIN*. I thought

After Eunkwang hyung saw my reaction he continued the segment. "Looks like we're running out of time now as the last question. Fans are asking what kind of girl do you like Jinwoo-ya."

"I like someone who has his own unique charm hyung." I said

"Oh! Jinwoo-ya you are unique. Is there anyone in the industry that you admire and think is beautiful even though he's not your type?" Eunkwang said

"Hmmmmmm....If it's someone I admire maybe IU sunbaenim she has a beautiful voice. And she has a good personality. I really enjoy her songs." I said

"Ahhh! That's a good choice. Are you sure you don't 'like' IU sunbaenim." Eunkwang said teasingly

"Hyung, I only admire him for his talent, nothing more." I said

"Okay I will not ask further. For all Jinwoo fans his ideal type is IU sunbaenim. IU sunbaenim if you hear this, this child really admires you. So now I beg you to take care of Jinwoo Sunbaenim. Now that we are at the end of the event, Remember to listen Radio show because we're going to talk to the hottest idols and the newest idols. This is a radio show and your host Seo Eunkwang is stepping down.

After the show was over, Eunkwang hyung teased me again. "So IU sunbaenim huh!?"

"Hyung you know that's not what I meant." I deny it



"Jinwoo-yes you are called Sooman-nim in his office." Aeri noona said

"What's wrong noona?" I said

"Well, you'll find out later." Aeri noona said

After I entered Sooman-nim's room I saw. "IU noona, what are you doing here?"

"Anyeong Jinwoo-ya, there will be a surprise for you." IU said

I wonder what noona means. "Sooman-nim what do you need?"

"Jinwoo-ya, before that introduce me first. This is JYP." Sooman said

"Anyeonghaseo JYP-nim." I said

"Anyeong Jinwoo-ssi, Nice to meet you." JYP said

"It's an honor to meet you JYO-nim."

"So you were called here, do you know why jinwoo." Sooman said

"Is it because of what I said on the radio show here Sooman-nim?" I said

"Yes and no Jinwoo. Better let JYP explain." Sooman said

"Before that, Ap I apologize noona if you are uncomfortable with what I said yesterday." I said

"No...No.....I'm fine. Jinwoo-ya." IU said

"So what's up JYP-nim?" I said

He explained that there was a playwright to be produced, and that writer was listening to the radio show yesterday.

"So are you interested Jinwoo-ssi?" JYP said



To Be Continuous