
Edge of mist forest, where military men and training cadets were being stationed. " So you are saying the monster that attacked us appear out of nowhere and patroling squad and drones don't have any idea how it crossed the defense line." An angry voice shouted in the middle camp.

"Commander please appease your anger we have found that this time attack was not coincident." Reported the man who was standing in front of a muscular man.

The Muscular man was in his thirties and was giving a dangerous vibe. This time he was assigned as commander in charge of outside training camp and this type of accident happened. After listening to the report os his assistant Gael. A dangerous smile appeared on his face.


"You mean everything was a man-made.

"Hahaha, who could be so presumptuous that he didn't put the army in his eyes.

Search every evidence you can, I want the person who is involved in this till evening." Assistant Gael got a very fearful vibe from him.

Gael was about to leave but stopped as the voice of commander rang again. " Give me a full report of damage and find out the main purpose of their attack."

"Yes." Replied by Gael as he left.


In the cave, "System you are saying that these crystals are the solid form of elemental essence." His eyes were looked like stars.

"Yes, user they are not only the solid but also purest form."

"System I'm a rich person, a rich person, hahaha" LiFeng was laughing like a maniac.

"Hmph, a rich person then go and take them if you can." system sorted.

"Huh, why can't I, they are ownerless right." He was confused after hearing system voice. "Yes, the user is right. They are ownerless but how are you going to mine them. You don't have any equipment and experience and the main thing time."

"What you mean by I don't have time." He was more confused as he heard system explanation. "Look around you idiot user there are so many crystals and a pond filled with water of life, you can't take them with you and if you leave them to come back later with more preparation, do you think once you leave no one find this place." LiFeng could feel the scorn in system's voice.

LiFeng: "And why that."

System: "Didn't I already tell you that when you enter the cave, you broke the natural formation array and now the cave is without any protection."

LiFeng: "System aren't you a powerful entity, cant you help me here."

System: "Now, you know how great this system is? You can praise me more, and if you want to give me more respect as your grandfather, I will not stop you."

"What the fuck don't be so ignorant, just tell me you can help me or not."

Now LiFeng knew how much a narcissist system was.

"Hmph, That why I tell you that your luck is heaven defy. If you told me these kinds of things in normal circumstances, then it would be a big no. But now you have found the source of my upgrade after I update the program then you will open a new function [storage]."

"Hmmm, What is the requirement or the source of the upgrade."

System: "Water of life."

LiFeng: " What I knew it you bastard, you are not only a narcissist but also a greedy dog. From the start your eyes on my water of life."

System: "You a maggot called this great one a greedy dog, do you hate your life this much that you wanna die now."

Lifeng: " Who is a maggot, you crazy narcissist pig."

System: " what pi..pi.. pi.. pig huh, he-he-he.

LiFeng had a very dangerous feeling about this laugh.

Suddenly a cold mechanical voice rang in his mind. " Self-destruction start, countdown 30 sec before user dies with a booooom."

"System what self-destruction, are you serious and what is booooom. This word is scary." Lifeng screamed.

System: "30...29...28...27...26...25...24...23."

LiFeng: " Oye Oye Oye system wait. "

System: " 22...21...20..."

LiFeng; Wait, wait, wait, let's negotiate, shall we."

System: "19...18...17..."

LiFeng: "Bastard I said wait."

System: "16 ..."

LiFeng: "Finally stop."

System: "...5...4..."

"Wait, where are the middle 10 numbers but more importantly stop, stop, STOP SYSTEM, NO GRANDFATHER STOP, MY ANCESTOR, PLEASE FORGIVE THIS INSOLENT ONEEEEE." LiFeng was screaming with his lungs out.

System: "...1..... So you have finally accepted how great I am?"

"Yes, Yes. Yes." LiFeng nodded his head like crazy.

"Then your mistake has pardon." The system announced it like He was doing me a great favor.

'This crazy bastard.' LiFeng thought in his mind.

"Do you want to go for Booooom again." System said in a threatening voice.

"No, No, sorry, ... more importantly, you can hear what I m thinking."

System answered in positively.

LiFeng felt that his future was in the dark.

"So listen carefully, I don't want all the water of life for my upgrade, it's only the half amount from what we have here." The system told LiFeng about its requirement.

After listening to the system LiFeng Felt ease, but there was a little sourness in his heart, as he thought about the half amount of water.

"So what is the upgrade you are talking about." Asked Lifeng.

"The upgrade is like a data patch which will be download to make a program more update and will have more functions. Storage function is also one of those, and I need a lot of soul power to download that massive data from the universe. If you wanna download this data in the normal way, it will take hundreds of years." This time system explained patiently.

"Well you can take the water, something is better than nothing, I will be happy to get my hand on remaining water," Lifeng told the system to use half water in the pond as he was sacrificing his life with a smile.

System snorted."

"User-ready to go in deep sleep as the upgrade starts. "

[Starting download upgrade patch]

[Count down 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1]

*Ding* was the last sound LiFeng heard as he drown in his deep sleep.

----------------------------------------- ---------

Evening the temporary base of the army,

A big muscular man was going toward a camp. As he entered, all soldiers saluted him in respect.

"What about the report I want." Said the man with the solemn face.

One of the soldier walked forward and said:

"Sir the reports are already prepared, we are waiting for you."


"Reporting damages sir, there are 43 injured cadets and 5 injured soldiers.

No death counts and only one missing student/cadet. The missing student is named LiFend who is a second year and also a genius in the art of forging. And with the complete investigation, we found that he was the target of today's attack."

" LiFeng hmmm, and you said that he is forging genius." Asked by the commander.

"Yes, sir."

Just then a soldier came running from the entrance," Sir Assistant Gael Wants the permission to enter."

"let him enter."

"Yes, sir."

After a few seconds, a young person entered the tent," Gael reporting


"So Gael what you found"

"Sir, a spy drone capture the footage of the cliff outside the camp."

"Oh and what about it." the commander asked.

"Sir, you should watch it yourself."

Gael Stopped talking and touched is the watch, just then a holographic picture was played in front of everyone.

There was two male student were running towards the cliff to avoid the monster as they reached the edge of the cliff, they took a breath of relief to find out that they were safe.

There was nothing wrong with this clip until a student pushed other from the cliff.

"What, who is this bastard." roared the commander.