THE ARTIFACT FORGING APP [virtualizing mode]

Lifeng was heading out to shop some material, but his mind was still thinking about what happened before.

When he lost control over his body, he demanded the explanation from the system.

"System what is happening, I can't control my body."

[Don't need to worry User because your control over spiritual power is insufficient The Auto forging activated.] System replied.

"But I selected the option of Manual mode." (Lifeng)

[Manual mode option only meant to work in a real workshop. You need a hammer, furnace and other equipment to do work, and While the other option [virtualizing mode] is the dimensional workshop which the user can access from anywhere and anytime, and only need is material to start forging.] System explained.

He truly wanted to experience the [virtualizing mode], So he decided to head to the market for buying the stuff needed.

He arrived at the closest mall near Forging test center, After strolling around, he eventually found, the shop 'The Golden Choice' which deals in forging material.

The shop was remarkably big, and the stands and shelves were in the rows like a convenience store, filled with material samples.

Lifeng Walked towards the counter, where a young salesman around the age of himself was standing and talking to other customers.

The young salesman saw Lifeng coming towards him, so he smiled and asked in well manner Posture:

"Sir How may I help you."

"I am here for some buy these materials." He passed him a note.

The written stuff is the same as he used in the forging process, the only difference was its quantity, which was three times more.

It is not like he could not produce something else, but he wanted to forge the same weapon in virtualizing mode to feel the difference.

"Please wait a moment." The salesman typed some something on the computer and calculated the total cost and asked:

"Sir, the total cost is 2500 credits. you want to pay it in cash or some other method."

"Use this card." Lifeng gave him the same card the commander Ben gave him.

After finishing the transaction, he was asked to deliver the stuff to his place, but he declined and carried it himself back to lounging.


He was sitting on his bed and staring at the holographic screen of Forging app while Rin was relaxing at the top of his shoulder, giving him instructions.

〖Put all the stock in the screen〗 (Rin)

He did as he was directed to do. All the stuff disappeared in the screen the option 'the bag' shown in bright color.

Lifeng touched the option and all the stuff he put in there shown in it like gaming storage bag.

He used Rin's direction to start up the forging process. Firstly he used the black as command showed on the screen.

[Do you want to use the black iron as the base]



[With your current spiritual energy, you can only control at most 1000℃ heat in the process.]

[Want to continue]


〖Master you should purify the iron before starting〗. Rin suggested that Lifeng use the refine method to make the material purer.

Not so long the black iron was boiling at the high temperature, and the impurities filtered out in the trash bin by default.

After some time all the iron purified and only one-third of the entire amount left.

He used the same arrangement for the all material before mixing them in a cauldron. Then the healing process started again. Time was slowly moving forward, so the process. After each, material synthesized successfully, and he followed the direction of Rim and cooled it in a cooling essence chamber option of the app. Lifeng was actually in wonder because it all seemed like he was playing a game.

Soon the material was cooled down then it was time for hammering it and put it a shape you needed.

〖Master the more you channel the spiritual energy on the hammer, the more, it gives you the better result. It is a very high tier tool for forging, so the more, you provide spiritual energy the more weight it can gain〗. Rin explained the usage of the hammer in the app.

Lifeng clicked on hammer's icon and started to concentrate. The Spiritual energy was flowing very smoothly, and crisp sound of hammers rang into his ears. A while later, the structure of the metal started to change. Just a new option emerged on the screen.


Before Lifeng could ask, Rin clarified:

〖With this option, the master can customize the appearance and extra materials of Artifact〗.

Lifeng didn't ask anymore and clicked on the icon of ☾Customize☽.

A side screen open and a simplistic shape knife model was hovering in the air.

〖Master can use his hands to shape the knife as what style he wants it〗Rin said.

Lifeng touched the Model, and it felt like he was touching remarkably soft stuff. He tried to twist it a little from tip to make a slight curve and also made some more adjustment. Every time he made any change in its appearance, the sound of hammer also got change while he felt that the consumption of spiritual energy was also getting bigger and bigger.

"Hey Rin what that the icon at the bottom of the customized panel," Lifeng asked.

〖Master that the link between your bag and dimensional storage, you can use the material from there to forge〗. Rin replied.

He checked the option, and the storage panel opened.


Soul crystals *102

Ice crystals *70

Fire crystals *48

Water crystals *90

Earth crystals *110

Wind crystals *28

Lighting crystals *21

Space crystals *13

The water of life⁑ 1000L

〖 You can import the stuff you need from this items〗. Rin mentioned.

"Let's see hmmm, then Ice crystal," Lifeng uttered.

[Do you want to import ice crystal to your bag]



[Please enter the amount]


[01/70] typed Lifeng.

[Process complete]

Then the additional panel disappeared, and the ice crystal which he imported was displayed in the edge of the screen.

He checked the customize look of the product and click the ice crystal.

[Do you want marge the ice crystal in your forging Artifact].


Lifeng found it exited and without gave this matter any thought, he agreed:


〖 Stop Master don't 〗Rin screamed aloud, but it was too late, the merging process was already started.

"Huh." Before Lifeng responded to Rin, he felt that all the power of his body left him, and his body dropped at the bed like there were no bones to support the flesh. The voice of hammering got stronger and stronger, and there was a red panel hanging in front of him:

[The Spiritual energy is not enough]

[Warning the soul energy is draining from the body]

[To stabilize the condition system is taking control over]

[Using The water of life]

These are the last thing Lifenfg perceived before he lost his consciousness.


At the head office of forging an association of Dawn city.

An old man was sitting in the office highest authority room while drinking his tea and checking the info of test candidates.

"Sir, Sir I need your help." A middle-aged man came running from out of the room.

The old man startled with sudden disorder and noise, " what happened why are making such a fuss."

"Sir, there is something I want to tell you. It's about the test room you provided to candidates for training." The middle age man said with haste.

"What about it," Oldman asked in patiently.

Sir, there is someone who used the given material for training to forged a rank weapon." the middle age said this in a single breath.